Thursday, 14 October 2010

Rural Depopulation

Brilliant day looking at rural depopulation in the Lot valley.

Day was warm and sunny allowing for pleasant wandering around the small villages to identify the feel of each area. We even almost added a member to the group at St. Julien after having a long chat with one of the local residents.

Temperature is falling and the wind is now strengthening! Oh dear! - wind chill is going to be an issue on Friday morning.

Just finishing up the work from the week. The incentive to concentrate is high as a "disco" has been promised within Raymondos for all to attend.

Evening meal in the centre was great tonight, they really pulled out the stops for us! They have been super. The seating was moved around as the other school were out so everyone got to sit around one big table facing each other.

1 comment:

  1. The photos show an amazing blue sky - glad it has not rained the whole time. Hope the disco was 'fun' !! Another school trip over - see you all in the morning. Nothing much happening in the UK. I'm sure you are all looking forward to X-factor on Saturday.....
